
It’s a big day in politics: Live updates

less than 1 min ago

House Speaker Paul Ryan cited his family as the No. 1 reason is not seeking reelection.

“This is my 20th year in Congress. My kids weren’t even born when I was first elected. Our oldest was 13 years old when I became Speaker,” he said.

“Now all three of our kids are teenagers, and one thing I’ve learned about teenagers is their idea of an ideal weekend is not necessarily to spend all of their time with their parents. What I realize is if I am here for one more term my kids will only have ever known me as a weekend dad.”

2 min ago

House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he will not be seeking reelection and will retire in January.

He noted that he took the position “reluctantly,” but said he had “no regrets.”

“You realize something when you take this job, it’s a big job with a lot riding on you and you feel it, but you also know this is a job that does not last forever. You realize that you hold the office for just a small part of our history so you better make the most of it.”

10 min ago

From CNN’s Kaitlan Collins

Speaker Paul Ryan called President Trump this morning to inform him that he will not seek re-election, a source familiar with their conversation says, before going into his conference meeting. He also called Vice President Mike Pence.

16 min ago

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on Paul Ryan not seeking reelection: 

“The Speaker has been an avid advocate for his point of view and for the people of his district. Despite our differences, I commend his steadfast commitment to our country. During his final months, Democrats are hopeful that he joins us to work constructively to advance better futures for all Americans. My colleagues and I wish Paul the best in the next chapter of his career.”

25 min ago

From CNN’s Dana Bash and Deirdre Walsh

Speaker Ryan called House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy before the news broke, , according to a source familiar.

He also called House Majority Whip Steve Scalise before telling members of the House GOP conference, per a source familiar.

28 min ago

President Trump weighed in briefly on House Speaker Paul Ryan’s decision to not seek reelection:

35 min ago

House Speaker Paul Ryan will address the press at the weekly House GOP briefing at 10 a.m. ET.

This will be the first time we hear from Ryan since the news broke that he will not be seeking reelection.

41 min ago

From CNN’s Manu Raju

House Speaker Paul Ryan is telling his colleagues that he is stepping down to spend more time with his family.

According to Rep. Darrell Issa, Republican of California, Speaker Ryan told members he promises to be more than a “Sunday dad” and he cited his family.

55 min ago

Brendan Buck, counselor to House Speaker Paul Ryan, just sent out this statement:

“This morning Speaker Ryan shared with his colleagues that this will be his last year as a member of the House. He will serve out his full term, run through the tape, and then retire in January. After nearly twenty years in the House, the speaker is proud of all that has been accomplished and is ready to devote more of his time to being a husband and a father. While he did not seek the position, he told his colleagues that serving as speaker has been the professional honor of his life, and he thanked them for the trust they placed in him. He will discuss his decision at a press conference immediately following the member meeting.”

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