
Transcript for Iowa police rescue couple from raging river

Now to a wild rescue in Iowa. Police racing to save a pair of rafters struggling in a raging river holding on for dear life after their raft went over a dam will reeve has the story. Hold the light. Reporter: Watch as police officers scramble to save a couple trapped in the turbulent waters of an Iowa dam after their raft capsized in a river. Don’t let go. What happens with the dam, that water and backwash starts to spin and it’s almost like a washing machine as it just churns and churns. If you get caught in that and it’s at least once or twice a year somebody does, very rarely will you make it out alive. Reporter: The rescue all caught on police body cameras. Using a rope to pull the couple in, listen as the officers struggle to hold on. Get your head up. Give me some room. Don’t pull me. Reporter: At times the powerful current dragging them beneath the surface. She’s under. Stop. Reporter: At last the officers get the couple to safety. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think the video tells the story pretty well. Those officers took a lot of physical effort, teamwork and a little bit of time too. Reporter: The couple was treated at a hospital and the officers dried off and went to work. They were helped by in this rescue by a good samaritan so hats off to everyone involved. You can see how exhausted the ones who were rescued. Imagine the rescuers. Everyone just putting everything on the line. Glad it turned out well. Thanks, will. Now another thing perhaps

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