
An Illinois eighth-grader has shown the world the power of good.

Jayera Griffin a student at Washington Junior High in Riverdale, IL tutors younger kids at her school when she noticed that many of them had clothes that weren’t clean.

“I would see that their clothes weren’t as clean as they could be,” she told Chicago’s WGN9. “So I thought they would focus more on what people would think about them and that it would lower their self-esteem.”

Griffin came up with a great idea to raise money for the kids to have their clothes washed for free at Mama’s Coin Laundry Cleaners on Tuesday.

She raised $1,000 for  Tuesday’s “Free Wash Day” at the laundromat.

“We raised her to be like this, where she knows to give and help out other people,” her dad Michael Griffin told WGN9. “A lot of people don’t have what we have and don’t have the luck we have. I’m very proud of her.”

Her local school board also chipped in money for the event.

She said she is planning to hold another “Free Wash Day” in August.

Check out the video below.



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