Ícaro Lira, Lavorare Stanca 2018, copy of Cesare Pavese’s 1936 book Lavorare Stanca, collage in wheat paste (montage of images of an Italian soldier and the acropolis in Greece), paper, nail, and wood.


Pictures at an Exhibition presents images of one notable show every weekday.

Today’s show: “Ícaro Lira: Frente de trabalho” is on view at Galeria Jaqueline Martins in São Paulo through Saturday, May 12. The solo exhibition takes it name, which translates to work group, from “the moniker bestowed, in different contexts and at different points in time, on [Brazilian] government policies designed to address the problem of labor force inactivity,” a press release notes. “An oft-used tool in fighting unemployment and drought, the creation of work groups entails the mobilization of workers for temporary labor at the service of the State, in some instances concurrently with professional training programs.” The work in the exhibition is in a way a work group of Lira’s making as he presents pieces by other artists, including Juraci Dórea, Traplev and José Bezerra, alongside his own art.