In a time fraught with Trump- and Republican-fomented racial hate and vituperation, we move into a holiday season celebrated by 90% of the people in this divided nation.
Over the years, many readers have asked for my thoughts on what can be done to change and eliminate the racial hate exhibited by a large, and mostly white, segment of the populace.
My belief is that you can’t vote racism away. The only solution is education. So if you are one of the millions of people who are shopping for gifts for children or young adults in your circle of family and friends, why not give the gift of books that might just open new perspectives in the minds of the young people who will inherit the messes we have now, and hopefully contribute to cleaning them up?
After the Mother Emanuel massacre in Charleston in 2015, Alvin Irby, the founder of the program Barbershop Books, and a former NYC kindergarten teacher, wrote, in a post on the program’s website titled “Why White Kids Need Diverse Children’s Books,”
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