Jane Fonda is who she is.
On Monday, HBO dropped the first trailer for its upcoming documentary “Jane Fonda in Five Acts,” which aims to reveal an intimate portrait of the legendary actress.
“This is the beginning of my last act,” Fonda says in a voiceover during the trailer. “In order to know how to go forward, I’m gonna have to know where I’ve been.”
The film, directed by Susan Lacy, digs into the 80-year-old Oscar winner’s long life in the public eye. It touches on topics including Fonda’s love life, career, and decadeslong eating disorder as well as her mother’s suicide and her relationship with her famous father, Hollywood leading man Henry Fonda.
“I wanted to please dad,” she said of her early acting career. “I never felt real. I just thought, ‘I gotta find who I really am.’”

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The trailer uses this quote to transition into Fonda’s activism, focusing on her antiwar stance against the Vietnam War and the controversies that surrounded it — most notably her 1972 visit to Hanoi. During her stay, Fonda was infamously photographed in Northern Vietnam sitting on an antiaircraft gun belonging to opposition forces, a weapon that would have been used to shoot down American planes. The image earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” Many veterans felt the image crossed a line, and still protest her and her films to this day.
“I’m proud of most of what I did and I’m very sorry for some of what I did,” Fonda says of her activism in the trailer.
Lacy told BuzzFeed she wanted the film to be transparent about Fonda’s life, especially in regards to issues surrounding Vietnam, though she feels some critics “will probably think it’s sanitized.”
“She went there to help stop the war. She went there to try to save lives,” Lacy told the website. “I think that comes across. Whether people who hate [her] will see through that? I have no idea.”

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The trailer also touches on Fonda’s three marriages to Roger Vadim, Tom Hayden and Ted Turner.
“None of my marriages were democratic because I had to be a certain way,” Fonda says in the trailer. “I had to look a certain way.”
Interviews with Fonda’s family, friends and co-stars are also featured throughout the documentary.
“It took me a really long time to find my own narrative,” she says at the conclusion of the trailer as clips from her childhood, films and famous workout videos play. “But I am what I am.”
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