Margaret Hall
Nationwide — Margaret Hall, a 47-year-old mother from Tempe, Arizona, who previously spent time in prison, has graduated summa cum laude with a master’s degree from Arizona State University. It is the third degree that she has earned within just 5 years since being released.

Nearly 6 years ago, Margaret was convicted of a class C felony and was sentenced to 6 months in prison. After serving her sentence, Hall decided to turn her life around, especially for her 6 children.
“Strive for bigger dreams and bigger goals. I didn’t want my children to think that was going to be the last chapter of my story,” Margaret told 12News.
She wanted to go back to school but she said it was not easy at first because she had to deal with the stigma of being an ex-felon as well as her own self-doubt. Determined to change her life, she enrolled at Glendale Community College before transferring to ASU.
Since then, she studied hard without breaks. She even earned scholarships including a grant from the Jeannette Rankin Foundation awards scholarships and grants to women age 35 and older pursuing a college education.
Most recently, Margaret earned her 3rd degree, a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and Prelaw from ASU.
Moving forward, she plans to start a grant writing business for non-profit organizations with the goal to help others achieve.
“It’s not where you start, but it’s where you end up,” Hall said.

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