
TULSA, Okla. — The former Mayor of Sacramento, California, Kevin Johnson, in partnership with SeedInvest, launched their Black Capital initiative, a collective mission to economically empower African Americans through access to the venture capital industry.

Their first visit, since the initial launch, was Tulsa, Oklahoma — once a black entrepreneurial hub in the early 20th century dubbed the Black Wall Street by African-American icon Booker T. Washington.

Last Tuesday night, black Tulans showed up and packed the Metropolitan Baptist Church to learn more about Johnson’s new initiative in partnership with SeedInvest.

The Sacramento mayor was introduced by his long-time friend Dr. Ray Owens, pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church and founder of the MetCares Foundation. “I was really intrigued by this idea of what can happen when black folk come together, pull their resources and work to build wealth in our community,” Owens said before introducing his guest.


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