By Sean Yoes, Baltimore AFRO Editor, [email protected]
Valerie Ervin, the former running mate of Kevin Kamenetz, the gubernatorial candidate who died suddenly last week, today decided she would pursue the governor’s mansion at the top of ticket.
Ervin, a former Montgomery County Council president released the following statement:
“I’m announcing a run for governor of Maryland because I truly believe in the vision of Kevin and I’s campaign, and I want to take it forward. This campaign is about the future of Maryland. I believe in a Maryland where working families come before corporate profits, where we help every kid achieve their full potential, and we all can thrive regardless of where we were born, the color of our skin, or the size of our bank account.”
By state law, today was the last day for Ervin to decide if she would assume the top of the gubernatorial ticket once occupied by Kamenetz, who died May 10 of a cardiac arrest, or chose someone else to replace Kamenetz.
Ervin, 61, who was a member of the Montgomery County Council from 2006 to 2014, and executive director of the Center for Working Families chose Marisol Johnson, an insurance agent and a former member of the Baltimore County Board of Education.
Johnson was elected vice-chair of the Board, December 6, 2016. She is the mother of four children who attend Baltimore County Public Schools.
According to WBAL-TV, there are about two million ballots for the Democratic primary already printed and sent to local election offices with the names of Kamenetz and Ervin among the candidates listed.
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