
Purchasing unique pieces in the art world has typically been reserved for the elite. Founder Everette Taylor wants to alter that with the launch of ArtX, a media and technology platform that is aimed at changing the narrative and the way the art world as it’s currently constructed.

Taylor began collecting pieces and found that there was a prejudice through his own experiences and interactions. 

“Growing up, I never really had anyone around me who was educated about art or who could teach me about it,” said Taylor. “When I first started collecting art, I would walk in art galleries and people wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence. I would go to art museums and would barely see any artists of color.”

ArtX is broken into three parts: a media platform, software/technology, and community.

The media platform provides a place for artists to get discovered and for people who aren’t familiar with the space, a place to educate themselves and not feel intimidated. On the technology front, ArtX is launching a software tool that allows artists to tap into the business side by using Amplify, a social media AI tool that helps artists find their audience on social media and build their fan base.

“I spoke to dozens of up-and-coming artists and asked what’s the No.1 tool that they are needed and the answer was always the same: social media. So I wanted to provide them with a tool to amplify those results,” continued Taylor.

In addition, ArtX also provides free business tools such as an invoice generator, a business directory, and a meeting scheduling tool that will roll out later next month.

In the spirit of giving back to the community, ArtX has launched the ArtX Scholarship Program, which provides need-based scholarships to artists who may be struggling financially. This will be backdropped by local art events to help educate people on art collections and provide a space for artists to sell their work.

“People have to understand that art isn’t only something you can love and appreciate, but a way to invest and build generational wealth. Many people from marginalized and underrepresented communities haven’t had the opportunity to be educated. ArtX is going to change that. This is only Phase I of a much bigger plan,” said Taylor.


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