
Transcript for Warren leads in poll if this is discounted

Here we go. Democratic voters are dealing with a major case of electile dysfunction right now. That’s a joke, okay? Sanders, Biden, I don’t know. Okay. Because a new poll found that they feel Joe Biden is far and away the most electable candidate, who is most likely to win. That’s what they’re saying, but if you take the idea of electability off the table and just deal with the issues, voters align with — wait for it — Elizabeth Warren. Yeah. So they like her. They want her to be president, but they think Joe Biden will win. Don’t you think people should vote for the person they like in this country? Then that person would win. That person would then win, but they have to talk to each other to get this together. I’m not voting in the democratic primaries. I am just begging and begging all of you, work it out amongst yourselves and give me someone that can beat Donald Trump. Right. Not everybody was clapping. We have trump voters here. What do you say to them? Yeah. You’re going to screw up again? But I mean, is it because she’s a woman? Is that the issue here? What’s the problem? Well, what’s interesting about the poll is that 39% believe a woman would have a harder time against trump, and in terms of the poll, women believe that notion more. Remember — I don’t disagree with that. 3 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump. You know that, right? That was the popular vote. Right. It was just the electoral college that got in the way. She came on the show — Elizabeth Warren? Yes. I’m sorry. She came on the show and we were all imprsed she had all of her supporters from New York City and people that were, like, doing grass roots organization in the audience for her. We said, where are you from? New York headquarters and their people in New York came out. It changed my feeling on her momentum. That being said, after she went on her show, she went on “The breakfast club,” which is an extremely popular radio show, and charlamagne asked her about pocahontas, and he went onto another interview and he said, I like the fact she has all these policies, but when you ask her something like, why did you do that, she’s, like, I don’t know. She has great policy answers. Simple things, she tends to flame out a little bit. Uh-huh. And I think that as much as people may like her, you need a really seasoned candidate because the pocahontas thing is going to be played over and over and over again at every trump They’ll play the stuff against Biden too. We talked about this yesterday about the segregation guys. I think he’s better with the simple answers, and in a way — she’s still atoning for it. One of her problems right now is Bernie Sanders. Yeah. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are splitting the Progressive vote. For Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren would be giving Joe Biden a run for his money, be toe to toe, and maybe even beat him. Is she Progressive also? That’s what I mean. Ask Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders ain’t quitting. I know. It seems to me that Bernie Sanders, his ideas then were innovative and different. He has the same ideas now, and everyone else has sort of picked up on them, so they aren’t different anymore. Elizabeth Warren really has energized, I think so many people. She has a plan for everything. Yeah. Even for people’s love lives. That’s the slogan. I have a plan. She has a plan for forgiving student debt, providing universal child care, the millionaire tax, breaking up big tech. Opioid crisis, everything. We want a person that can energize. We have had a lot of candidates on this show who do not have a plan. You were a Bernie person last time. I was. Bernie was always somebody who spoke truth to power in a very original way and I liked what he said, but I’m a pragmatist. Once Hillary pulled ahead of him — You’ll vote for anybody who can beat trump.

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