
Turns out, much like the rest of us, Elijah Wood is playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons while in lockdown.

The actor started trending on Twitter on Thursday after an interaction with a fellow gamer ended with Wood “traveling” to visit that gamer’s island.

If you’ve never played Animal Crossing: New Horizons, part of the game is that you create your own island where you live and there’s a component where you can share a Dodo Code so you can visit another gamer’s island.

In this case, one gamer ― Jessica Kovalick, a New Jersey resident ― shared a tweet about the turnip pricing for the day on her island. Turnips are a great way to make money ― aka “bells” ― on your island. You sell them to the game’s fictional grocers, like Tom Nook, to earn bells to buy things for your avatar.

Kovalick tweeted on Thursday that her turnips were having a daily sell price of 599 bells and encouraged fellow players to DM for her Dodo Code so they, too, could profit from the price on her island. 

In response, the 23-year-old got a direct message on Twitter from none other than Wood.

“I freaked out. I’m in a Tom Nook Hive [group chat] and we were all FREAKING out trying to kick people from my island so we could make room for Elijah,” she told HuffPost via Twitter direct message.

Kovalick said Wood “visited for about 15 minutes,” and that “there was actually a connection issue and he came BACK” to resell his turnips.

“He was very kind and had good island etiquette, said Kovalick, who added that “this is 100000% the most eventful day” she’s had playing the game.

She also went on to say that Wood, 39, tipped her with a gift within the game ― a fan palm ― and that she will “treasure” it.

Since his departure from her island, we asked Kovalick if they’ve continued to discuss in the DMs. 

“He is a bit new to the game so I’ve been answering some friendly questions. He also wanted to make sure he properly tipped me which him visiting was ENOUGH (but he did — he gave me some nook mile tickets and a fan palm! Lol),” Kovalick said.

Stars, they’re just like us.


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