
According to a Netflix spokesperson, the third season of “Easy” will debut in 2019 and close out the series.

The comedic anthology show is currently filming in Chicago, the main setting for the previous two seasons. According to a Netflix location manager’s LinkedIn, production on the third season started at least six months ago. The second season premiered Dec. 1, 2017, on Netflix.

Netflix did not give HuffPost any details about what’s in store for Season 3.

The first two seasons focused on the lives of various Chicago residents. Each episode had a standalone story, though the show has a few recurring characters played by popular actors, such as Zazie Beetz, Dave Franco and Marc Maron.

I’ve liked the first two seasons, so I’m excited about the renewal, but I’m sad that this show will end so soon. It has a way of making small, relatable stories feel profound and yet still enjoyable to watch. Although each main storyline has gotten only a couple of episodes, I’m already emotionally invested in the lives of quite a few characters.

The show also features the stellar Chicago artist Don’t Fret, who has murals depicting Midwestern life all over the city. In “Easy,” a few characters start a brewery and commission the artist to make their logo. I recently saw this fictional brewery’s logo on a T-shirt at a custom shirt business. I hope it’s a sign that the brewery will be part of Season 3.

Netflix didn’t give an exact release date for the next season, but if you want to stay informed about what’s joining Netflix on a weekly basis, be sure to subscribe to the Streamline newsletter.

"Easy" will be back next year for a third season on Netflix.


“Easy” will be back next year for a third season on Netflix.

Here’s a filming notice for the renewed series:

Todd Van Luling/HuffPost

Ji Sub Jeong/HuffPost

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