
Diego Marcon.


At a ceremony on Friday, MAXXI, the national museum of contemporary art and architecture in Rome, awarded its 2018 MAXXI Bulgari Prize to Diego Marcon. Finalists for the prize also included the photographer Talia Chetrit and the multimedia artist duo Invernomuto.

The Italian museum now plans to add Marcon’s video Ludwig (2018) to its collection. The video features a computer-generated boy who lights a match and sings a song about human existence written by the artist, and is meant as a statement about the instability of the world.

The prize’s jury included Yuko Hasegawa, director of MOT in Tokyo; curator David Elliott; and Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, director of MAXXI.

In a statement, the jury said that it had selected Marcon “for the unique combination between analogical and digital language, for the ability to interpret with great efficacy the contradictory spirit of our times through fragments of the musical and artistic tradition of the past; for the poetic and evocative way of combining the global dimension with the existential dimension.”


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