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Transcript for Deadly Dorian may make landfall in Carolinas

From Georgia to the Carolinas and Virginia at the race is on to stay ahead of the storm. With authorities warning that time to evacuate is now. Don’t try to ride it out it’s not worth putting your life at risk or danger in first responders. Who might have to say. Because certain areas flooded. Like several of the world as a result weeks ago. Eight not have put Charleston means street started. Getting flooded. Historians rough surf already eroding the beach in Cape Canaveral Florida and the storm surge carving the out of the dunes. The heavy wind and bring toppling trees and power lines knocking out power to more than 111000. Customers but most now back online. President trump receiving another briefing on Dorian today. And we got lucky in Florida very very lucky indeed see hopefully we’ll be lucky depends on what happens with South Carolina North Carolina. This as the US continues its relief efforts in the Bahamas where Dorian left behind sold much destruction. The Coast Guard rescuing dozens on the ground while back in Florida volunteers are doing what they can to help. These people in the Bahamas have lost everything I explained. And it’s not just than Florida health for the Bahamas is being mobilized all across the country in fact the data trough the mayor said that his office has been flooded with calls from. People wanting to help fill once. The storm passes through their area. They soon. Will be on board. It was that there ABC news new Smyrna beach Florida.

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{“duration”:”1:37″,”description”:”Hurricane Dorian has killed at least seven in the Bahamas, as well as an elderly man in North Carolina, as the powerful storm charges up the Southeast coast.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/US”,”id”:”65395260″,”title”:”Deadly Dorian may make landfall in Carolinas”,”url”:”/US/video/deadly-dorian-make-landfall-carolinas-65395260″}


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