Kevin Samuels. | Source: Kevin Samuels/Facebook
UPDATED: 12:30 a.m. ET, May 6, 2022
Originally published: May 5
Kevin Samuels, a self-proclaimed relationship guru and image consultant who is better known for divisive, misogynistic commentary about Black women, in particular, died Thursday at the age of 56, according to reports. There were no immediate reports of the cause of Samuels’ death.
The death was confirmed by multiple media outlets, including REVOLT Black News, which cited reliable sources. Melanie King, a reported close friend of Samuels who has been described as his female counterpart, said Thursday she got “family confirmation” that he had died that same day. “This is 100%,” King said.

The reports of Samuels’ death flooded social media timelines everywhere on Thursday afternoon but initially offered no immediate verification of the claims that he died.
His faithful followers demanded proof. As a result, Samuels’ name became a top trending topic on Twitter on Thursday afternoon as people tried to sort out the facts.
The Instagram account for Plug Talk claimed Samuels died from “cardiac arrest,” but the post offered no verification. Other Instagram accounts also latched on to that same narrative without offering any confirmation.
It appears that the reports of Samuels’ death originated from a single social media post in which there are claims he died Thursday morning.
The reactions to Samuels’ alleged death have teetered between gleeful exuberance from women who have taken offense to his slanderous misogynoir and caution from those who wanted to know more.
Samuels’ most recent activity on social media included an Instagram video he posted on Wednesday afternoon in which he is discussing “Modern Women” and mused whether they are “A Party of 1.”
His Facebook hadn’t been updated since at least Tuesday. His final tweet was posted in April, but that post linked back to his Instagram. And the last video he posted to his YouTube channel was about the aforementioned “Modern Women” and it went live at the same time as the Instagram post on Wednesday.
Samuels has built quite the following through the way he addresses Black women.
He was recently in the news for describing women who are at least 35-years-old and unmarried as “leftover” women.
“If you have made it to 35 and you are unmarried, you are a leftover woman,” Samuels said on his podcast last month. “You are what is left. Men know that there is likely something wrong with you. Whether you want to hear it or not, I’m going to go there with you. I’m telling you the truth that you don’t want to hear. Men know that there is likely something wrong with you—that you can not be an adjustable six or higher—something is wrong with you. That’s where men automatically come with it. And here’s the thing—when you were between the ages of 22 and 25 and you didn’t want to settle—you were trying to get the CEO, the pilot, the investment banker, you were trying to get flewed out…”
He continued: “Here’s what’s going to happen. If you are a woman 35 plus and you want a man that’s on the same lifestyle level, you’re going to have to share him.”
Samuels then asked a woman, “What do you think about sharing a man?” to which she responded, “I’m OK with that, because, if they’re going to mess around with other females, I’m going to do what I want to do too.”
Samuels responded: “No, no, that’s not how that works—you share your man and sit your ass down.”
This is a developing story that will be updated as additional information becomes available.
Misogynistic ‘Guru’ Kevin Samuels Says Women Who Are 35 And Unmarried Are ‘Leftover’
‘Little Brown Girl’: Misogynoir Attacks Against Kamala Harris, Explained
Dating Guru Kevin Samuels Reportedly Dies At 56  was originally published on

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