By AFRO Staff, Special Contributors
“D.C. SPEAKS” is a series branching from the AFRO’s goal of engaging residents in the storytelling of their own communities. To continue providing hyper local accounts to readers, the AFRO has taken to the streets and reached back into neighborhoods to offer residents an opportunity to share their experiences, stories, passions and opinions. Through interviews and submissions the AFRO is amplifying voices from all over D.C. and encouraging residents to “SPEAK.”
A new year often is a moment for people to set objectives to accomplish and overcome. New Year’s Eve 2018, Forbes reported that it is important to set goals as opposed to resolutions.
According to studies, Forbes contributor Ashira Prossack wrote, less than 25 percent of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after 30 days, and only eight percent of people actually accomplish them.
“Goals are specific, whereas resolutions tend to be broad and vague. Goals are much more actionable, which is what makes them more effective,” wrote Prossack.
As the decade ends, and 2020 approaches, the AFRO staff and family is reflecting on lessons of the previous years and hopes and visions for the future.
Joe Howze: “As I enter this new decade, my vision is to ‘be more of a Stewart’ to the community,” said Howze, who works facilities at Prince George’s Community College, is a musician at Forest Heights Baptist Church and is an entrepreneur and teacher with Gospel Music Enterprises.

Micha Green: “The new decade is an exciting opportunity for me to truly consider how I can improve my own life and the betterment of my community. I am hoping to grow into adulthood by cooking more, budgeting better and restructuring my forms of self-care. As an active member of my community through work, I want to re-evaluate my contributions by also volunteering more, following up on stories that inspired me and becoming more of a mentor for younger generations.

Edgar Brookins: “As we launch into this new decade of 2020, my primary focus is that the health care system in the USA be dramatically improved and structured so that every citizen can receive the medical care/treatment, so that the health wellness status of our citizens are doubled and in some cases, tripled resulting in a nation that takes care of its own with the intent to insure that those diseases that are beneath the telescope will receive the needed attention going forward,” Brookins said. “My singular focus is Lupus awareness, pushing the research effort as we continue to search for a cure for this dreaded disease and triple the research funding from the Federal government. Living Life Without Lupus, NOW! is the endgame. I have recently created a charitable foundation in order to lend and give my unequivocal support for this cause. Onward.”

Lenore Adkins: “Going into the new decade, I’ll be working hard to show more grace and forgiveness,” Adkins said. “It’s easy to get in our own feelings and lash out, but sometimes we have to take a step back, take a deep breath and offer kind words, instead of angry ones. Everyone is dealing with something and we have to remember that.”

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