
LOS ANGELES, CA – APRIL 18: Jackson Theron, actress Charlize Theron and actor Sean Penn attend the Points of Light generationOn Block Party on April 18, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for generationOn)
Actress Charlize Theron adopted two black kids, but now her white tears of privilege are flowing.
What she thought would probably be a cute one-up on Angelina Jolie’s brood of collecting children of color and calling her up to brag, “See, I got some too girl” turned out not to be so cool after all.
According to the New York Daily News, Theron told Elle about her eye-opening realization that America is a racist melting pot and she is thinking long and hard about marching her Black kids right out of the land of the free-ish because the racism here is so bad.
She said: “Racism is much more alive and well than people thought. We can’t deny it anymore. We have to be vocal,” she told Chelsea Handler in the May cover story.
“There are a lot of times when I look at my kids and I’m like, ‘If this continues, I might have to [leave America].’ Because the last thing I want is for my children to feel unsafe.
Wait a minute. Is the bus she’s boarding for this boycott full because I’ll need to call up all the Black mothers in America with Black kids to get on this bus! Let me dial up all the moms of dead Black sons killed by police, the moms of the Black boys getting ridiculous jail time for small crimes and the Black folks who face racism—with their children—every single day to come and hop-along on this journey out of AmeriKKKa because they surely want out too!
Theron so you’re telling me that Black Lives finally Matter? Where have you been during all of the marches and social protests when black and brown people have been dying at the hands of police. Your white privilege surely could have helped further cause!
And just know, when you’re an average Joe without the million-dollar cashflow that Theron wields, you don’t have the option and peak-white privilege to decide on a whim to uproot your everything to move to a new less racist country.
Where dey do dat at?
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It doesn’t work like that when you’re Black. But Theron can’t understand that since she wears her kids like a badge.
Think about it: I might not like the flowery LuLuRoe tights that I’m wearing and can easily change them out for a Target pair. But I surely can’t change the skin I’m in. And most black Americans can’t up and change their country at the drop of a dime either.
I’m in this blackness 24/7 and it’s not something I can run and hide from. Theron’s kids are black and need to learn how the real world—and even their own President—feels about them. That’s not something you can run from – even in Switzerland.
Racism is pervasive and there’s not a corner on this earth that Theron’s black children won’t be confronted by some form of it and made to feel less than. What about the day they are called the n-word? It’s coming. The lesson here is to teach them the morals and values of who they are so their blackness because a shield of armor that no racial epithet can easily penetrate. We are a people who fight, not flee.
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But that’s the problem when Becky with the Black kids doesn’t know how to deal with tough issues. And I get it: Theron is actually a true South African who came up during the time of apartheid so she’s woke-ish. But remember, she’s white. Nobody was checking to kill or extinguish her.
Theron admits in her interview that she doesn’t even know how to talk to her two Black kids about the current administration saying:
“I have two black kids, but that I don’t even know how to talk about the last year under our new administration,” she explained.
It sounds like Theron loves her children and is really putting out a call for help. Hopefully her Hollywood Black friends can come over for a cup of tea and help the starlet sort out how best to raise her Black kids and teach them about racism—before those babies face the harsh reality of being Black in Amerikkka.
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