
Taylor Bennett thegrio.com
Taylor Bennett gets personal on his latest single Be Yourself.

Chance the Rapper‘s baby brother wants all of us to get better at loving our authentic selves.

This month, Taylor Bennett gets personal on his latest single Be Yourself featuring Bianca Shaw. Bennett has always been open about his own path to self-discovery and on his 21st birthday, came out as bisexual to all his followers on Twitter.

His latest work, debuting in time for Pride month celebrations, is an uplifting snapshot of where his head is at these days.

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“Growing up on the south side of Chicago, I was not open about my sexuality for a long time,” Bennett said in an interview with TIME Magazine. “Being a rapper, being in the industry, going to classical schools, and really getting exposure to different opinions and lifestyles made me want to use my music platform as a vehicle to talk about something that is very often shaded in American history.”

Knowing the homophobic history (and present) that rap music has had in the past, the 22-year-old posted a pretty bold cover on June 1st that shows him wearing nothing but rainbow flag patterned underpants.

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While he may be proud of his identity, Bennett recognizes that the LBGTQ+ community isn’t fully accepted in the Black community. His struggle with being seen as both a bisexual man and a Black man in America are aspects that appear on the track.

He clarifies, “When I say be yourself, I don’t mean be gay, be bi, be lesbian, be queer, be any of that. I mean: know who you are, love your body, love what you do, like what you like — express yourself openly. Because when someone sees that someone has stepped into the light so comfortably, they’ll do it too.”

Check out the song below.

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