The Read Soul Lit Photo Challenge – Day 14: La Vie en Rose
Day 14: La Vie en RoseToday’s books are in the vein of love and messy relationships. These two books are by another one of my favorite authors, Bernice L McFadden…
by October Gallery
Day 14: La Vie en RoseToday’s books are in the vein of love and messy relationships. These two books are by another one of my favorite authors, Bernice L McFadden… Doesn’t Do It Anymore by Walter Mosley was a book that I enjoyed surprisingly enough. I could feel all the work Mosley did to try to right his lead…
Kindred takes place in 1976 and in 1815. Dana a young African-American woman periodically experiences dizziness and black outs which enable her to go back in time to 1815. The…