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The addictive quality of social media makes it easy to stay on for hours. Doctors say this is because our favorite apps contribute to surges of dopamine. This “feel-good chemical” in our brain is released every time we interact with people, places, and things that spark joy. The same occurs when we resonate with a post – it always leaves us wanting more.
FOMO – fear of missing out – plays a role as well. It’s not very demure to be the only one who doesn’t understand the latest social media joke. Not to mention the opportunity to grow your business, support a cause, and what “social” media was intended for, to connect with users around the world.

It’s no wonder the average American spends three hours a day on various platforms. The effortless act of swiping allows your mind to enter an idyllic state, escaping reality even if for just a few minutes at a time. But scrolling on social media is a catch-22. You’ll see the good and the bad, which can quickly lead to “doom scrolling.” Spending too much time watching negative news or other content that makes you feel sad, anxious, or angry can lead to poor mental and emotional health. When your mental health is disturbed it is easy to find the other components integral to well-being off-kilter as well.
Yet, there is a solution. Kick the social media addiction and “power down” with a dopamine list. This is a list of go-to activities that produce dopamine sans social media. It is meant to help you engage your community, enjoy your environment, and find fun offline.
Ironically, the suggestion is trending on social media. Users are realizing the importance of limiting time online and its usefulness for preventing screen fatigue and digital burnout.
Simply list your favorite activities – and the ones you’d like to try. Prioritize those that do not involve screens. Anything from watching car races to walking your dog will do. (If you need inspiration, here are 105 activities to try before summer ends.)
Include a minimum of 10 activities to your list so as to not get bored with the selections. Pastimes ranging from high-end to free can be added. Be sure to add hobbies that you can do regardless of weather, season, or availability of a companion.
Besides preventing doom scrolling, a dopamine list is beneficial for building healthier habits. For instance, morning meditation can replace morning scrolling. Afternoon tea with a neighbor can help you opt out of a TikTok trap. An evening stroll can bring more joy than an hour of Instagram Stories.
In this digital-forward age it is nearly impossible to completely eliminate social media. So, when you do opt to scroll, avoid the hours-long sessions by setting a timer. Experts (Google) say 30 minutes is the ideal amount of time to participate on the apps. Additionally, having a purpose for scrolling will prevent you from getting drawn into a doom scroll.
The post Can’t Stop Doom Scrolling? Try This Hack for Instant Results appeared first on Elev8.
Can’t Stop Doom Scrolling? Try This Hack for Instant Results  was originally published on

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