
American University, based in Washington D.C, has launched an investigation after Black students reported bananas being thrown at them.

“Two female students living on the same floor in a dorm say they’ve have had to deal with bananas left at their door. One of the students had a banana thrown at her and the other discovered a rotten banana along with an inappropriately drawn pic of the male anatomy on the whiteboard located on her door.”

Ma’at Sergeant, the President of the Black Student Alliance on campus, called the act a hate crime. In addition, the Alliance is calling for the suspension of students involved.

The university responded by emphasizing that they are committed to “broadening diversity and understanding”.

Racist incidents on campuses are nothing new, and last year PushBlack reported on the new rise of Black student activism on campus.

Yet again, we are reminded that campuses need to do a better job of making campuses more diverse and inclusive.

Via Blavity


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