
Beatrix Ruf.

Beatrix Ruf.


When Beatrix Ruf resigned from her post as director of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam in 2017, many around the world looked on in shock—one of the top curators had departed a premier institution amid a byzantine scandal. Later, she was cleared of any wrongdoing. Now she has made her next steps, with a new job in Russia.

Artforum reports that Ruf has taken a position at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, where she will work with Anton Belov, the institution’s director, to oversee exhibitions and events. Some of the duties Ruf is taking on were previously overseen by Kate Fowle, Garage’s former chief curator, who departed to become the director of MoMA PS1 in New York earlier this year.

Belov told Artforum, “We started working with Beatrix Ruf a number of years ago, when she became a member of the museum’s advisory council. It is clear that her vision for the development of Garage aligns with ours, and expands it.”

The controversy involving Ruf at the Stedelijk stemmed from allegations of conflicts of interest. Some press reports said that she had not properly disclosed funds brought in through her private art advisory firm and that she had written in irregular clauses to exhibition agreements for works on view. Earlier this year Truze Lodder, the chair of the museum’s supervisory board, said that the institution had “cleared Beatrix Ruf of allegations reported in the media.”

A cryptic press release from the Stedelijk at the time said that Ruf and the museum had “agreed to leave the past behind.” In that same release, Ruf said that she would “make a small contribution to [the Stedelijk’s programming] every now and then.” Thus far, she has yet to do so.


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