
Amalia Mesa-Bains, Emblems of the Decade: Borders, 2015/18, mixed-media installation.


Pictures at an Exhibition presents images of one notable show every weekday.

Today’s show: “Califas: Art of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands” is on view at the Richmond Art Center in Richmond, California, through Friday, November 16. The group exhibition, guest curated by Michael Dear and Ronald Rael, features work that “explores the origins of migrant memory, the consequences of boundary line fortifications, the mixing of border cultures, responses to injustice and inequality, and solutions to advance the borderlands and its peoples,” according to exhibition materials. Among the 21 artists included in the show are Amalia Mesa-Bains, Postcommodity, Stephanie Syjuco, Enrique Chagoya, Guillermo Galindo, Favianna Rodriguez, and Julio César Morales, among others.


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