
Maybe fleeting facial hair could be a category on an upcoming “Jeopardy!”

Host Alex Trebek shaved off his new beard, despite fan approval, in several stages. And he did it at the command of one powerful person.

Trebek shocked many viewers by sporting a beard in the long-running game show’s season opener last week. A poll showed overwhelming support after Trebek said he would let viewers decide the fate of his new growth.

But he reduced the whiskers to a goatee in a video “Jeopardy!” posted on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, he shaved down to ’stache-only ….

He got rid of the facial hair altogether on Thursday, announcing that the decision was final.

“Sorry to have to tell you folks, but voting is now closed,” a clean-shaven Trebek said in the video. “And we’ve determined that the winner is my wife, Jean. She voted for me to be clean-shaven and so, that’s it.”


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