

Trump supporter Josh Hall decided to type tough on Twitter earlier this week and call Angela Rye “straight out of the ghetto.”

And as one might imagine, things did not end well for Josh.

It all started with a heated discussion Angela Rye had on CNN with Republican analyst Amanda Carpenter. They were discussing whether or not the GOP had been normalizing racism by constantly spinning Donald Trump‘s blatantly racist comments and actions.

When Carpenter rolled her eyes as Rye was talking, Rye called her out on it. Carpenter snapped “Finish your point,” to which Rye said “I am, I don’t need your permission to do that, okay?”

The two women continued speaking with Don Lemon chiming in every now again to ensure they were not speaking over one another and that there was adequate response time.

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READ MORE: After Trump supporter calls Angela Rye ‘ghetto’, Black Twitter destroys him

It was a typical heated, political exchange between people on opposite sides of the aisle. Both women held their own.

Josh Hall, however, deemed it necessary to swoop in with a cape, scoop up the white damsel in distress and take a swipe at a Black woman on his way out the door. He even had the audacity to @ Angela Rye.

He typed “Amanda Carpenter nailed it on CNN – @angela_rye loves labeling every Republican on the face of the earth as racist when in reality the 0.01% of “Republicans” who call themselves white supremacists are actually Nazis. ‘Cousin Angela’ is the true racist – straight outta the ghetto!”

Of course Rye responded.

He called her racist and ghetto. Of course Black Twitter was not having their Cousin Angela disrespected like that. Even some of Hall’s fellow Republicans were backing away from his silly tweet. Here are just a few of the clapbacks ol’ Josh received as his mentions dissolved in a stew of white tears:


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