
Jeff Flake had barely finished speaking before Sen. Chuck Grassley cut him off, adjourning the committee. “Because of the two-hour rule, we’re adjourned,” Grassley said. There was a moment of silence, before Sen. Feinstein asked incredulously, “What?”

Flake seemed to be surprised, too.

Sen. Dianne Feinstin then turned to Grassley to argue there was no vote, to which Grassley replied, “We had to get this all done by 2:00.”

“Well, is it done? Is Flake’s argument going to happen or did you cut off a vote?” Feinstein asked.

“We didn’t have a motion,” Grassley said. “This is all a gentlemen and women’s agreement.”

Feinstein repeated “a gentleman and women’s agreement…” then cut off a colleague who interrupted. “Let him say what he’s committed to,” she said, as the microphones cut off.


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