
Following the premiere of two-part HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, certain radio stations have taken Michael Jackson’s music out of their rotations.

CNN reports that stations in Canada and New Zealand have removed the superstar from their playlists. New Zealand broadcaster MediaWorks has removed his catalog from several of its stations.

“Michael Jackson isn’t currently on any MediaWorks
Radio stations’ playlists,” Leon Wratt, the company’s director for radio,
said in a statement. “This is a reflection of our audiences and their
preferences — it is our job to ensure our radio stations are playing the music
people want to hear.”

Rival broadcaster NZME has also banned the Thriller singer’s music.

“NZME station playlists change from week to week, and right now, Michael Jackson does not feature on them,” said Dean Buchanan, NZME’s entertainment director.

Three Montreal-based stations have also banned Jackson’s music, while other Canadian stations are “monitoring the situation.”

Jackson accusers Wade Robson and James Safechuck claim in Leaving Neverland that the “Rock With You” artist molested them for years.


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