
Olabinjo and Abimbola Osundairo were arrested last month for battery in the alleged attack of Jussie Smollett. Days later, the Nigerian brothers were released after claiming Smollett paid them to stage a hate crime near his home in Chicago.

The Osundarios are now apologizing for their role in the incident, releasing a statement through their attorney, Gloria Schmidt, to CBS Chicago.

“My clients have tremendous regret over their involvement in this situation, and they understand how it has impacted people across the nation, particularly minority communities and especially those who have been victims of hate crimes themselves.”

Smollett, who is Black and openly gay, claimed two men attacked him in the early hours on Jan. 29 in Chicago after he went to get a late-night meal. He said they hurled racist and homophobic slurs at him, placed a noose around his neck and poured a chemical, which was speculated to be bleach, on him. He has since been arrested for filing a false police report and is currently out on bail.


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