
A single mom of five children whose law school graduation photos went viral earlier this year passed the Bar exam, she announced on Facebook on Monday.

Ieshia Champs, 33, graduated from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in the spring and was waiting to get the results this week, per CBS News. 

She told the Houston Chronicle that when she received the news she screamed and ran around her home in excitement.

“I screamed so loud and I ran through my apartment 15 times, I just keep saying thank you God,” said Champs.  “When I saw it was just so surreal.”

Champs still has to complete the licensing process to practice law in Texas, per the letter she posted on Facebook.

She has spoken openly about the struggles she faced growing up in the foster care system, dropping out of high school during her sophomore year and the loss of her children’s father from cancer.

“I really didn’t have any stable guidance at that time,” Champs told CBS News in April. “My mom was addicted to drugs. My dad was deceased. And I was homeless.”

Champs, who said she had to sacrifice time away from her kids while she completed law school, said she received an outpouring of support once her graduation photos went vital.

“People from all over the world sent me gift cards and money and that’s how my children and I ate during the summer. My church family would cook meals for us just to make sure we had something to eat,” Champs told the Chronicle. “It was really, really, really stressful and I just thank god that he was able to bring me through it and pass [the bar exam] at that!”

She has already started to apply for jobs, Champs told the Chronicle. Adding that her dream job is to become a federal judge or open her own family practice.


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