
Precious Bradley thegrio.com
Precious Bradley (11Alive News)

Precious Bradley felt her life was incomplete because there was a major piece of the puzzle that was missing—the identity of her birth parents.

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All she knew was that 27 years ago, someone left a newborn baby on the steps of a daycare in Greensboro, NC. She was ultimately raised by an adoptive family.

Bradley returned to her North Carolina roots and attended North Carolina A&T college, with the intention of ultimately tracking down her birth parents.

And she did.

“I found my mom and dad!” she told 11Alive, which had been following her journey.

Through DNA testing, Bradley learned of her biological father’s identity. And he led her to her mother. She had a lifetime’s worth of questions that she wanted to ask them and when she finally got a chance, she got right to it.

“I had to do it like I was taking a business call,” she said. “You have to get right into it or you might chicken out. The conversation was really asking questions, those vital questions.”

The most pressing question she asked was why did they leave her on the doorstep of that daycare anyway.

“I definitely think this was a cry for help,” Bradley explains about her biological mom’s decision. “She did what she felt was the best option that she had and at the end of the day, I’m perfectly fine with that option because I’m able to live because of her.”

Bradley’s family remained in North Carolina. Her dad, she learned lived in the Greensboro area while her mother lived near Raleigh.

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Bradley has a new family that’s she’s been getting to know.

“Definitely baby steps,” she said. “This isn’t something that you just go out there and do.”

She says of others on the hunt to find their family: “Definitely take initiative. Do what’s best for you. If you feel like you need to find them, continue the search. Never give up until you feel like you’ve searched enough.”


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