
Alexis Ohanian Sr. took his love for Serena Williams to new heights.

On Sunday, the co-founder of Reddit posted a photo to Instagram where he seemingly made an above-and-beyond romantic gesture that feels straight out of a gushy Lifetime movie.

The post, which lists “Venezia, Italia” as its location, features Ohanian looking lovingly at Williams as she polishes off a glass of wine.

“She wanted Italian for dinner, so … ” the caption reads.

If we take Ohanian’s caption at face value, this means that he freakin’ flew Williams to Venice so she could have some Italian food. 

Ohanian also posted a few more pics from their Italian getaway.

Folks on Instagram loved the gesture, even if us mere mortals can’t afford such elaborate displays of affection.

Screenshot of an Instagram comment from Ohanian’s post.

alexisohanian / Instagram

Screenshot of an Instagram comment from Ohanian’s post.

It all begs one to wonder, what other kind of cuisine does Williams like? French? Chinese? Does she like spreading Vegemite on her toast?

Girl, just keep your passport handy.


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