

The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo revealed a new design for its $155 million expansion that will add a standalone building to its campus. An earlier proposal for additional space, which is being designed by Shohei Shigematsu of OMA, had earned the ire of many critics for altering a 1962 building conceived by Gordon Bunshaft. [The Buffalo News]


Preservationists held a press conference at City Hall in New York, calling on the Landmarks Preservation Commission to delay a vote on the Frick Collection’s expansion plans. The opponents say they object to the plan because it “would destroy or irrevocably alter many historic elements of the Frick Collection, including the landmarked Russell Page Garden and renowned Music Room.” [The New York Times]

Public Art

A 40-foot-tall mural that Keith Haring painted on the wall of the Stedelijk Museum’s then-storage building in Amsterdam has been uncovered after being obscured by weatherboarding for decades. It’s a doozy. [Artnet News]


In a series of interviews with Jon Caramanica, Kanye West discussed his recording marathon in Wyoming, some of his controversial comments, and his working method. “We need to be able to be in situations where you can be irresponsible,” he said. “That’s one of the great privileges of an artist. An artist should be irresponsible in a way—a 3-year-old.” [The New York Times]

Brian Eno, who recently turned 70, discusses projects he’s working on, his brain, and repetition. Eno: “Repetition is actually a chance for your brain to do the work. Your brain becomes the composer.” [Red Bull]

“Why artist Rafa Esparza led a surreal art parade through the heart of L.A.’s fashion district.” [Los Angeles Times]

Rashid Johnson spoke with Phyllis Tuchman about the arc of his career and how he thinks about the structure of his exhibitions as “a whole meal,” with different bodies of work following one after another like courses. [ARTnews]

Museum Directors

Erin Coe, the director of the Palmer Museum of Art at Penn State in University Park, which is the largest art museum between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, discusses her plans for the institution, which she was tapped to lead last September. [StateCollege.com]

Richard Aste, the director of the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, discusses what he keeps in his messenger bag to ensure that he has a productive day. Among the items: “No Bullying,” a McNay exhibition catalog, at least two protein bars, and lots of notebooks. [San Antonio Express-News]

The Market

Seymour Stein, the storied music entrepreneur who was the first to sign Madonna, Talking Heads, the Ramones, and others, will sell his art collection at Sotheby’s next month, which is heavy on Symbolism and the Pre-Raphaelites. [The Telegraph]

Bonus: Twenty years ago, Belle & Sebastian released a song about meeting Stein. [YouTube]


Jane Mayer reports that right-wing donor Rebekah Mercer, whose family was instrumental in supporting the Trump campaign and invested in Cambridge Analytica, enjoys playing a game called Machine Learning President, in which players attempt to win the presidency. Mayer: “It’s a role-playing game, more like Assassin than like Monopoly, although players of this game do start out with an allotment of ‘cash’ to spend on pushing their agendas, which can include ‘algorithmic policing’ and ‘mass deportation.’ “) [The New Yorker]

And More

Here are photographs of Anne Libby’s current show at Night Gallery in Los Angeles. [Contemporary Art Daily]


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