African music coursed around the ARTnews office as the Summer 2018 issue of the magazine, “Africa Now,” was being put together, and below is a playlist of more than 30 songs—some old, some new, and some from what seem like times yet to come—assembled by Emeka Ogboh, a sound-inclined Nigerian artist who appears in the issue’s survey of “African Artists to Watch,” and ARTnews deputy editor Andy Battaglia.

Of his upbringing, Ogboh—whose work was a highlight of Skulptur Projekt Münster last year—told ARTnews, “My foray into sound art was facilitated by Lagos. The megacity taught me how to listen, record, and analyze sound—the city made me a sound artist.” Lagos features among the locales represented here, as do many other cities from all over Africa in nearly three hours of music. Listen and enjoy.