
Philadelphia Eagles Malcolm Jenkins thegrio.com

Malcolm Jenkins had a point to make this week, and did it without having to utter a word.

Staging a silent protest, the Philadelphia Eagles cornerback refused to speak during his entire interview with the press. Choosing to instead answer questions by holding up signs that explained how NFL players are protesting police brutality and racial injustice, NOT disrespecting troops or the flag.

There’s no doubt that this was done in response to the Philadelphia Eagles getting disinvited from their traditional White House visit for winning the Super Bowl. And the beef between POTUS and the Eagles peaked Tuesday, when the White House said “the vast majority of the Eagles team decided to abandon their fans.”

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This tweet was posted after a segment aired on Fox insinuating the whole team had chosen to protest the anthem. And per usual Trump’s White House didn’t fact check their information before getting a case of the Twitter fingers.

After the public called Fox out for spreading false information, Christopher Wallace, the executive producer of FOX News @ Night with Shannon Bream, has now admitted that the network made a mistake during their Monday night broadcast when they used footage of Eagles players kneeling during a segment about Trump’s cancellation.

The image fraudulently implied that the players had taken a knee during the anthem last season — an act that players on other NFL teams have said is meant to protest police violence and racial inequality.

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But it appears that was really a picture of the players praying during a totally unrelated moment that had nothing to do with the #TakeAKnee movement.

Wallace said in a statement released by Fox News on Tuesday that “To clarify, no members of the team knelt in protest during the national anthem throughout regular or post-season last year. We apologize for the error.”

But Wednesday, Jenkins decided that if he was gonna be erroneously shamed for protesting, he might as well make that a self full-filling prophecy.

During his interview one of his signs said “YOU AREN’T LISTENING,” another said “Chris Long gave his entire year’s salary to educational initiatives.” Another read, “Colin Kaepernick gave $1 million to charity.”

Another sign noted that although African-Americans males make up 8% of the U.S. population, African-Americans males account for 25% of the men shot and killed by the police in 2018.

Well played Malcolm.


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