
It’s graduation season and many graduates are crossing the stage to receive their degrees usually from one school. One man managed to accomplish that feat by getting two advanced degrees on the same day at different schools.

Darrell Landon Kelly, 24, received his law school degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Law on Saturday in Ohio and rushed to his graduation ceremony in Kentucky for Xavier University’s Williams College of Business to get his Master of Business Administration, according to Cincinnati’s WCPO 9.

“I was born to five generations of love, and I passed that on to them,” Lisa Kelly said of her son. “If he’s tall, it’s because he’s standing on tall shoulders. He’s big because of the village, because of the friendships. He grew up with love.”

Lisa Kelly raised Darrell and his sister Jazmoné as a single mother, something that he appreciates.

“It’s time for me to stand and leave the nest,” he said. “She’s instilled me with all these tools and has guided me for so long.”

Lisa Kelly has said her son was very smart at a young age. He graduated from high school at 16 in 2010 and received a degree from Howard University in 2014.

It was at Howard that he heard of a program where students can get their MBA and law degree concurrently, which was something that interested him.

You can read more about Darrell Kelly’s story here.



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