
Frida Kahlo, Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace COURTESY FLICKR

Around Town

The late, beloved New York City street-style photographer Bill Cunningham will receive a career-spanning exhibit at the New York Historical Society. [Artnet news]

Read Peter Schjeldahl’s review of the Jewish Museum’s Chaim Soutine retrospective. The review takes you through the sometimes misunderstood and often riveting life of the artist, and how he became so closely associated with World War II. [The New Yorker]

A headline that will likely make every art fair regular cringe: How To Make an Art Fair Part of Your Next Vacation. Frieze did feel tropical, though, to be fair. [New York Times]


Here’s a report on how Cuba is trying to deport artists involved in their first biennale. Artist Coco Fusco reports on how she and other participants have been refused entry to the country, and the resistance of the artists involved. [Hyperallergic]

A teenage girl is on trial for plotting a grenade attack on the British Museum. [The Guardian]

Around The World

Follow Marcus Jahmel on his Euro-Trip on the heels of his show in Brussels at Almine Rech. [ARTnews]

Frida Kahlo’s family has been counter-sued by the corporation creating a Barbie doll in the artist’s likeness. [Art Newspaper]

Catch up on what films have been catching attendees’ attention at Cannes Film Festival,now three days in. [New York Times]

Love Hurts

Apparently, Marina Abramovic and Ulay are reuniting to write a memoir together. [DAZED]

Read up on the torrid romantic quarrel that led to Francis Bacon being arrested on possession of marijuana in 1968. [The Guardian]


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