Source: Chris Carroll / Getty
In a revelation that has hip hop heads buzzing, artist Leaf recently dropped a major bombshell on Hot 97 with host Nessa about one of the most iconic tracks in hip-hop history. Leaf casually mentioned that her mother is none other than the inspiration behind A Tribe Called Quest’s legendary track, “Bonita Applebum.” Read more and watch a viral clip from the interview inside.
Yes, you read that right—the real-life Bonita Applebum is Leaf’s mom!
“Bonita Applebum” is the second single from of A Tribe Called Quest’s debut album, People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm. The song, with its smooth, laid-back vibe and flirtatious lyrics, became an instant classic when it dropped on Feb. 19, 1990, and it’s been beloved ever since. The mystery of who “Bonita” really was has always added to the track’s allure—until now.

Leaf’s revelation adds a new layer to the track’s mystique. As an artist herself, known for blending genres and pushing boundaries in her music, Leaf’s connection to such a foundational piece of hip hop history feels almost poetic. It’s as if the torch is being passed from one generation of music innovators to the next.
Social media has, of course, gone wild with this news. Fans and artists alike have expressed their surprise and excitement. Many are now revisiting the track with fresh ears, imagining the face behind the name.
According to longstanding lore, “Bonita Applebum” is based on an actual girl who attended New York City’s Murray Bergtraum High School For Business Careers alongside the four original Tribe members. Now, we know that woman is Leaf’s mom.
This revelation serves as a reminder of how interconnected music history can be and how the stories behind the songs we love often remain hidden just below the surface, waiting to be discovered. Bonita Applebum, you gotta put us on—and it looks like Leaf just did.
The post Artist Leaf Reveals Who A Tribe Called Quest’s Beloved Song “Bonita Applebum” Is Really About appeared first on Global Grind.
Artist Leaf Reveals Who A Tribe Called Quest’s Beloved Song “Bonita Applebum” Is Really About  was originally published on

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