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“Officials at the British Museum have moved a bust of the institution’s founding collector, Hans Sloane, from a pedestal to a nearby cabinet in the Enlightenment Gallery because of his links to the slave trade.” [The Art Newspaper]

After turmoil has continued to mount over issues dealing with leadership, Graham Bowley reports on a timely question: “Has the Detroit Institute of Arts Lost Touch With Its Home Town?” [The New York Times]

After an exhibition of Shaun Leonardo’s drawings of Black victims of systemic injustice was cancelled to much controversy in Cleveland, the show will move on to MASS MoCA and the Bronx Museum of the Arts. [The Art Newspaper]

Vanity Fair

For the new issue of Vanity Fair edited by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Kimberly Drew talked to art workers, administrators, curators, artists, and more to answer a question: “What Should a Museum Look Like in 2020?” [Vanity Fair]

Amy Sherald’s painting of Breonna Taylor for the magazine’s cover stands to make a lasting impression. “Producing this image keeps Breonna alive forever,” the artist said. [ARTnews]


Cromwell Place, a new £20-million home for as many as 14 galleries in London, will open next month after a pandemic-related delay. [The Art Newspaper]

In case you missed it, Candice Madey wrote about Cromwell Place in an essay looking into ways that midsize galleries can band together. [ARTnews]


A retired backcountry dentist who homesteads on an island in Alaska is responsible for the staying power of many Works Progress Administration-related artworks for National Parks dating to the 1930s and ’40s. [The New York Times]

The Princeton University Art Museum has issued a challenge to anyone who wants to take part: “Choose any artwork from the collections or from another museum and re-create it at home using anything on hand—the more imaginative the better. Think dogs with books, a ketchup bottle standing in for wine, or a bathrobe in place of a cape.”  [Planet Princeton]

A show in England pays tribute to Barnett Freedman, an artist and “prolific designer for everyone from Faber & Faber to the Milk Marketing Board.” [The Guardian]


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