
Lance Bass’ dream of becoming a father is, sadly, taking a bit longer than expected. 

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the *NSYNC singer said he and husband Michael Turchin had been expecting a baby boy via a surrogate. But eight weeks into the pregnancy, the surrogate had a miscarriage. 

“We unfortunately lost him after eight weeks, which happens to pretty much everyone when you’re going through IVF,” Bass said on Wednesday. “I didn’t even know that as we were going through this, but we’ve met so many great couples who have the same story.”

The pregnancy, Bass added, had been the couple’s ninth attempt at in vitro fertilization. Though he didn’t specify the timing of the miscarriage to ET, he had been vocal about their efforts to expand their family throughout much of 2019. In June of last year, he said the couple was “hoping to have a kid next summer.”

“I’m sure all the guys [from *NSYNC] with their babies will come out and give us as much hints as they can to be a better dad,” he told US Weekly at the time. 

The singer told ET that he’d tried “not to get [his] hopes up,” but the loss was still painful.

“It’s like all these hopes and dreams I had won’t be happening this time,” he said. “But everything happens for a reason and when it needs to happen, it’ll have to happen.”

Bass and Turchin, who married in 2014, aren’t giving up on becoming parents. They’ve since secured a 10th surrogate and are considering adoption, too. 

“Of course, in a perfect world I would love to have my own kids,” Bass told ET. “But if it’s not meant in the cards, then it’s not meant in the cards and there are plenty of kids who need adopting. So I’m not opposed to going right ahead and adopting if this fails next time.”


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