
Lisa Opoku is global chief operating officer for Engineering at Goldman Sachs & Co. Lisa has oversight for the technology management, strategy and finance functions. Lisa serves on the Engineering Division Executive Leadership Group, Firmwide Technology Risk Committee and is sponsor of the Firmwide Black Network. She is a member of the Board of Advisors of Launch With GS, Goldman Sachs’ $500 million commitment to invest in companies and investment managers with diverse leadership.

Q. What obstacles have you had to overcome to achieve success?
The biggest obstacle to success has always been my own self-doubts. Once you become your own best advocate, you stop tripping over your own shoelaces.

Q. Just like success, people define and measure power differently. Some define it by dollar amount, while others measure it on a greater, more personal and internal level. What does Power mean to you?
I have learned that each of us builds equity over the course of our careers. Through hard work, demonstrated leadership, and building strong followership. Power for me is how you choose to spend this equity to lift up others who haven’t accumulated as much equity yet.

Q. Given your platform and success, how do you demonstrate your responsibility to help inspire others? Be it through your real-life actions, social media, etc?
Many people have shared their valuable time to mentor me. I try to do the same for others every single day. Each of us has so much to offer others based on what we have learned from our own personal and professional experiences. Being open and honest about your own challenges makes you more authentic and relatable.

Q. How do you ensure that you stay “charged up,” in both the inspiration/motivation sense, as well as physically, in energy?
Spending time with my kids always recharges my batteries. They are the best!

Q. Long after you retire, what would you like your legacy to be?
I want my legacy to be that I was a thoughtful and caring leader who was never afraid to make tough decisions.


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