
By AFRO Staff

The historic Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Baltimore (IMA), a federation of clergy activists from across the Baltimore metro area, has endorsed Kweisi Mfume for the 7th Congressional District special election being held on Feb. 4, to fill the seat vacated after the death of Rep. Elijah Cummings. The prominent group of clergy  said it also supports Mfume in the April 28th Democratic Primary for a full term in the United States Congress.

Members of the IMA stand with Kweisi Mfume after the group announced they endorsed him for the 7th District Congressional seat vacated after the death of Rep. Elijah Cummings. (Courtesy Photo)

“Our vote was concise and overwhelming for former Congressman Mfume,” said Rev. Dr. Alvin J. Gwynn, Sr., president of the IMA.  “He has a strong record of advocating for the people of this district and he has a clear vision to bring the kind of leadership needed in a much divided Washington at this time.  He will fight for our seniors, for the voiceless middle class and for our children, who represent our future,” he added.

“What an honor it is to receive the support and formal endorsement of the faith leaders in our community.  One of the most respected voices in the faith community is that of the IMA,” Mfume said.

 “I take their support and their prayers with me in the final weeks of this campaign.”


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