
March 4, 2018

Studied Photography at IED in Milan, Italy. Passionate about art, frequent visitor of exhibitions, Widewalls photography specialist and Editor-in-Chief.

On Sunday, March 4th, the Oscars will take place for the 90th time. On March 1st, Plastic Jesus revealed another one of his visual commentaries on the matter.

These installations could now be considered a tradition, although they lack the Oscars’ longevity – this is only the fifth time that the LA-based street artist has made headlines with his witty, to-the-point. But it’s not just his Academy Award-related pieces that could be described like that, it’s his entire oeuvre, from sarcastic paste-ups to intelligent guerrilla projects that include the tiny wall built around Donald Trump’s Hollywood star, fake Donald Trump dollars, and two giant lines of cocaine installed on the sidewalk and accompanied by a rolled-up $100 bill and an American Express card.

The art of Plastic Jesus is inspired by world news events, the urban environment, culture and politics, “shinning a small light into some of those dark corners of society”.

Like most of his pieces, the Oscars-bashing artworks are only left in place for a limited time and then removed, all the while minimizing harm to the world around it. He even invites citizens who don’t want his artworks on their property to call him, so he can remove them.

Plastic Jesus’ latest “sculpture” ahead of the Oscars seems to be his most elaborate to date – and probably his most controversial. Let’s take a look at five years of making fun of the movie industry’s finest.


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