
Transcript for 7 people injured after hot air balloon crash

Now to the investigation under way into that hot air balloon crash outside Las Vegas. Seven people injured. One seriously when the balloon slammed down in a remote area ejecting the pilot and the passengers. Kayna Whitworth is at the hospital where they’re all recovering. Good morning, kayna. Reporter: Yeah, Amy, good morning. So seven people were transferred here to university medical center. One person had to be air-lifted after their sightseeing ride turned near tragedy and right now three people are still here recovering. This morning, new details on that terrifying hot air balloon crash. The pilot has fallen out of the air balloon. Reporter: First responders racing to get to the rugged location. The pilot along with four passengers sent flying into the desert terrain after a hard landing. It looks like the balloon landed and dragged for quite a while here. You can kind of see the drag mark. Reporter: For about a half mile until finally coming to a stop. You can see the balloon there flattened out on the ground. It’s unclear how high the balloon was at the time of the accident, but police say it was landing when the crash happened. Nightmarish rides in hot air balloons have been captured on camera before. Most recently back in June when two people were trapped inside this hot air balloon helpless as it’s barreling through a large crowd. He was trying to get us back up in the air then all of a sudden we just hit the ground and I flopped out of the front of the basket. Reporter: That incident luckily only leaving three people including the pilot with minor injuries. So this crash happened in such a remote area that many of the injured had to be transported on atvs to the medical rescue vehicles. Right now the NTSB and FAA are investigating. All right, kayna, thanks so much.

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