Source: Ivanova Nataliia / Getty
There are so many traditions that we try repetitively and swear it’s going to propel us into success for the upcoming 365 days….  For example, how many times have we cooked and eaten black-eyed peas for good luck?  Or how about eating collard greens because they are good luck and allegedly bring money, or what about joining a gym and saying we will finally lose those 20 pounds?  And most of us have set a New Year’s resolution that fell flat pretty early into the new year.
All of this can be overwhelming especially when you just want to start the year fresh so we’ve compiled 5 Things to do before the New Year to start your year off right and improve your mental health.
Wouldn’t it be great to save some money in the new year?  Many people like to set a budget but if that’s too much or you just aren’t ready for that, take a look at what you’re spending your money on. 
For example, take a look at your subscriptions.  More than likely there is something you are paying for monthly that you can let go of because you aren’t using it.  A dating app, a streaming subscription, or a wine club take a deeper look and access and start saving money.    
Letting go of things that you aren’t using or that are just taking up space can have so many benefits.  Clearing your space can help relieve stress and also put some money in your pocket.  
Decluttering your entire home can be overwhelming so maybe choose one room or one space.  Donate unwanted items to a non-profit but don’t forget to get your tax deductible receipt, or sell items to put some money back in your pocket. 
Growth is something all of us want and going into a new year is a perfect time to set a goal.  But often we set big goals, like buying a house or making six figures.  
Don’t sleep on setting smaller goals that benefit you like making your bed every day, folding the laundry and not throwing it in a chair, or spending more time with friends you hardly see.  Things like this can have a great affect on your happiness and mental state.
Find a new hobby to start in the new year.  Something that will bring you joy and take you away from the everyday stress of adulting.
Join a sports league for adults, join a book club, take up running, or start that vegetable garden.  Having something for yourself outside of work will only benefit you!  Find it and enjoy!
Before we get the new year engrained in our brain and before the year gets too busy, do something for yourself!
Relax… schedule a massage, or a facial, meditate, book a hotel stay and order room service, got or a hike.  Whatever brings you peace and tranquility lean in and take some time before things get wild.  
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