December 29, 2023
Lillie Mae Hightower of Henry County, Georgia, celebrated her 101st birthday with a parade thrown by community deputies.
A Henry County, Georgia, woman has celebrated a special day with a parade in front of her home thrown in her honor.
On Dec. 28, Lillie Mae Hightower celebrated another year of life, and her community showered her with love and support as the day marked her 101st birthday.
According to WSBTV, Hightower celebrated her 101st birthday with the help of Henry and Dekalb county deputies. The counties’ deputies arranged a surprise parade to honor the elderly woman, and community members joined in to support and wish Hightower a “Happy Birthday.”
The woman was surrounded by family and friends who showered her with love and affection as she waved to the patrol cars.
Sheriff Reginald Scandrett was among the deputies who helped celebrate Hightower’s 101st birthday. In a video message to the birthday lady, the sheriff said, “101 years old. Do I need to say more?” 
“Please help us send her well wishes for this beautiful occasion!” the Henry County Sheriff’s Office said on social media.
The warm and heartfelt celebration organized by the deputies is a wonderful display of community togetherness.
The community’s celebration gave Hightower the opportunity to feel loved and appreciated for all the years she has been a neighbor, friend, and family member. The special day shows how Hightower impacted her community.
Hightower has lived through several different presidents, the civil rights movement, and many more changes and cultural shifts our nation has undergone. Hightower deserves to be celebrated for being exposed to several historical events and experiences.
A person can only imagine how exceptional of a woman Hightower must be to make it to 101 years old and continue engaging with her Georgia community.
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