
Gwyneth Paltrow mocked herself and her Goop empire during a surprise appearance on the “Weekend Update” segment of “Saturday Night Live,” playing a supervisor for the New Age cosmetics and lifestyle company.

Cast member Heidi Gardner played Baskin Johns, a ditzy Goop employee so completely stumped by the actual nature of the products’ ingredients that she feared she would be fired. Paltrow’s character, Fifer James, assured Baskin that Paltrow doesn’t believe in firing but in “conscious unemploying” ― a wicked reference to Paltrow and Chris Martin referring to their divorce as “conscious uncoupling.” 

Fifer also referred to salt ― an ingredient of the Himalayan salt scrub she was trying to hawk ― as “angry sugar.”

When asked what Goop stands for, both women replied: “Gwyneth opens our paychecks.”

Check out the video above.


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